Our Hamsters

We started with a group of  4 goldens we knew were not carrying any other colour genes, these were Bambi, Branwen, Indiana and Indigo.  Our intention was to breed true goldens so that we could filter and fix other colour genes later.  From a conversation with a long time member of the Northern Hamster Club several years ago the ideal was to have a group of about 6 "True Golden" females.  

Our concern was that breeding such closely related hamsters might be detrimental to the line.  However getting hold of a hamster that you can be certain is a "true golden" is nigh on impossible, so we bit the bullet and decided we were going to have to make do with the stock we possessed.  When we felt that Bambi was rested enough from her last litter we mated both her and her sister, Branwen, to Indiana their Nephew.  

The reason for mating two female hamsters at the same time was in case there were complications with one and a foster mother might be needed.  As it turned out Branwen ate her litter for reasons better known to herself, but Bambi raised 8 babies, 6 females and 2 males.  This now gives us a basis for our hamstery.

At the same time we had decided that the first colour we were hoping to filter and fix was the Silver Grey gene.  Having tried several sources for a hamster carrying this colour gene Jasmine was finally obtained.  What other colour genes she carries we will have to try and determine and take steps to remove from her offspring.  This will be a long and patient task, but the reward will be one of great personal satisfaction.  We intend to keep developments of that journey recorded on this web-site.

Other hamsters that we have aquired include:
  • Vixen who now is just a "pet" who might get out to a show now and again.  Vixen is a very nice Golden of nice size and proportions, with a lovely nature;
  • Chris a golden I know to be carrying the dark grey gene and the cinnamon gene.  
  • Midi another golden I know to be carrying the dark grey gene
  • Midas another Golden from a long line of Golden matings that I hope may be used as an outcross for my line of pure goldens
The other hamster in the household came with no pre-thought whatsoever.  Naturally when we meet people a little of our interests rub off on them.  That's how it was when Victoria met the hamsters and naturally, for a 10 year old girl, there is the wanting one for herself.  So a cage was obtained, one of those nice Rotastak things with tubes and the likes and a nice young "white" hamster with a few small patches of black.  Upon inspection it can be deduced that it is a black, satin, dom-spot, banded with possibly the white belly gene.  Victoria's account can be found here

From these small beginnings a hamstery is emerging.  Details of all matings can be found here and listings of all hamsters and offspring kept can be found here


